Fund structures
Reducing unnecessary complexity
Our fund infrastructure is carefully designed to reduce unnecessary complexity for institutional investors and asset managers. Here's how we help.

Regulatory responsibility
We take on regulatory oversight for all AMX fund structures, which reduces the governance burden for asset managers. Asset managers can also benefit from AMX’s fully resourced management company to manage and passport Irish-domiciled funds.
Pooled asset structure
Our pooled asset structure reduces the operational due diligence overhead for managers, as all fund assets from both big and small investors are serviced through a single AMX point of contact. This structure also enables smaller investors to invest with asset managers which may otherwise have been inaccessible to them due to a lack of scale.
Standardised documentation
We’ve standardised documentation across each product range to make redemptions, subscriptions and due diligence more streamlined. This reduces the legal costs usually associated with reviewing these documents.
Irish-domiciled fund structures
Institutional investors access AMX by investing in one or more of our Irish-domiciled fund structures. We offer both Common Contractual Funds (CCFs) and Irish Collective Asset-management Vehicles (ICAVs). Each fund structure contains multiple funds, which are managed by an individual asset manager to a specific investment strategy. This means institutional investors can make their own investment choices, using any combination of funds to achieve their investment objectives.