How we help pension schemes
We make your job easier
Easier, by making everything involved in investing into one seamless and accessible experience - whenever you need it. From the simple but essential admin to the insight and strategies that drive your investment solutions, AMX is building the ecosystem that delivers it all.

Manage your whole portfolio in one place
We’ve standardised documentation, processes and data, so you can easily access your investments, monitor performance and rebalance your portfolio with AMXConnect.
Reduce your costs
We negotiate lower fees with asset managers and other service partners in return for the potential volume we’re able to give them. We pass those savings on to investors.
Independent risk oversight
Our services add an extra layer of risk oversight and ensure the efficient management of your portfolio.
Fulfil your stewardship responsibilities
Fulfil your stewardship responsibilities with stewardship overlays or express your voting preferences within pooled funds with our innovative investor stewardship service.
Reduce duplication of costs
We take responsibility for legal and operational due diligence checks, reducing administrative costs.