Building the future of the institutional investment industry.

NAV Shapes

How can investors manage the uncertain transition to net zero?

A shared vision - AMX and Carne Group

NAV Shapes


How we help asset managers

Cut through the complexity

As an asset manager, you create value through your investment philosophy, process and strategy. We work with asset managers to achieve operational efficiencies reducing not only the cost but also the time inefficiencies that drain value.

This could be as simple as providing a management company governance solution or an outsourcing platform for all your investment fund operations.

Whatever your efficiency priorities are - cost, time or finding the right service providers to meet your requirements, our ecosystem provides a seamless way to work. This allows managers to focus on generating returns and building client relationships.

launch video

Investment vehicle solutions

Our solutions team are focused on providing the right vehicle structure to meet asset managers' and investors' requirements. We offer a range of Irish-domiciled fund structures, like Common Contractual Funds (CCFs) and Irish Collective Asset Management Vehicles (ICAVs). 

Third-party management company

Our Irish-domiciled management company offers the substance, skill-base and stability needed to support asset managers to meet their governance and regulatory responsibilities.

Complete infrastructure solution

Our institutional infrastructure and management company streamlines the operational and legal complexities of investing. Asset managers and investors can benefit from our economies because we have a centralised infrastructure, standardised fund structures and documentation as well as a range of additional services.

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